Monday, February 7, 2011

How Are You Doing on Your New Year's Resolution?

The Nuts and Bolts of New Year Resolutions

Clear Purpose-For a dream to become a goal, it must be specific. Being thin is an image, losing 10 pounds by March 1 is a true resolution. Be clear on what you want to achieve.

Be genuine-Make a New Year resolution that you have a real, serious, bona fide intention of keeping.

In writing-Describe precisely what you want, how you will earn it, when you will have it, and the benefits you’ll receive from achieving your resolution. Write the details, but don’t make it complex. When you put it in writing, you increase your chances of moving to the next step.

Keep it in mind-While we are blessed with a permanent memory, we are cursed with lousy recall. Writing your resolution goes a long way towards achieving it.

Stay committed-Without commitment, you can say, “Farewell dream and Hello Mediocrity!”

Stay committed-It moves you ever closer to your resolution and ultimate success. Commitment is the heartbeat of your goal.

Accept accountability-Commitment means you own it. You are responsible for taking the resolution that’s on paper and turning it into a desired outcome. Owning it means taking responsibility for changes, risks, failures and successes.

Pursue you resolutions with an open heart and believe deeply in your ability to enjoy the rewards of resolutions and dreams achieved.

Article source: Ryan Blair

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