The physical dimension of wellness involves encouraging regular activities that produce endurance, flexibility and strength. Read each statement carefully and respond honestly by using the following scoring:
_____ 2. I eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day.
_____ 3. I avoid tobacco products.
_____ 4. I wear a seat belt while riding in and driving a car.
_____ 5. I deliberately minimize my intake of cholesterol, dietary fats, and oils.
_____ 6. I avoid drinking alcoholic beverages or I consume no more than one drink per day.
_____ 7. I get an adequate amount of sleep.
_____ 8. I have adequate coping mechanisms for dealing with stress.
_____ 9. I maintain a regular schedule of immunizations, physicals, dental checkups and self-exams.
_____ 10. I maintain a reasonable weight, avoiding extremes of overweight and underweight.
_______ Total for Physical Wellness Dimension
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